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By The People: The Election of Barack Obama  

A couple of weeks ago, Edward Norton started hitting the talk show circuit promoting an HBO documentary he produced, "By The People: The Election of Barack Obama." He said it was this amazing film and they were so lucky to have this all access pass to Obama and his staff during the 2 year journey to the presidency. I started to get really excited hoping to see what Barack's really like or to see the inner workings of his campaign. I imagined it to be the Obama equivalent to Clinton's election documentary, "The War Room," which I loved.

So on November 3, one year after Obama's election, "By The People" aired on HBO. I was expecting to get all those warm fuzzy feelings I had on election night, and let's just say that wasn't the case. Instead I sat through two hours of a jumbled mess. "By The People," directed by Amy Rice and Alicia Sam's viewed more like a college film project. I understand that it must have been overwhelming for these two to handle such a huge undertaking, especially when the documentary started off as just a profile of a young Illinois senator....they never expected him to run for president much less be granted access to his entire campaign.

To put it simply, "By The People: The Election of Barack Obama," spread itself way too thin. Documentary's still have to tell a story even though their subjects are real. "By The People" is basically a compilation of all the best footage captured over a few years. It shows the community organizers in Iowa before the caucus, Obama's top staffers and their roles, the drama with the Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers scandals, Michelle and the kids at home, Obama speaking to reporters, his history growing up in Hawaii and even some Hilary drama.

To me, the most compelling pieces of the film were the parts showing all the young people involved in his campaign. Ronnie Cho, for instance, who runs the community organizers state to state throughout the campaign, made frequent phone calls to his Korea-born mother to keep her updated on the progress. Or Jon Faverau, the twenty-something head speechwriter for Obama, who sit calmly through the different polls an adjusts Obama's speeches accordingly. It was very moving to hear Mike Blake, another young organizer, choking up when speaking of what it means to him, a young African American, to have Obama so close to the presidency. The film is called "By The People" and these young people along with all the community organizers, volunteers and inspired young voters are what made it possible for Obama to win the election.

The documentary would have worked much better if it was more of narrative and less of a highlight reel. "By The People: The Election of Barack Obama," can be seen at various times on HBO and also anytime On Demand.

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