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I watched the pilot of "Rubicon" on AMC after the finale of "Breaking Bad" earlier this summer. The pilot set it up to be a show about conspiracy theories, superstitions and code breaking. It centers around Will, an analyst at a top secret government agency called API. In the first episode Will cracks some sort of code spanning all major newspaper crossword puzzles. He tells his boss, who also happens to be his father-in-law, about his discovery. Dear old dad tells him that it's nothing and to forget about it but then mysteriously dies in a train accident the next morning. Several clues lead Will to believe that his father-in-law's death was no accident and that there are greater powers at work.

I tend to like shows about mystery, finding out pieces of the puzzle, big reveals at the end of each episode...So I added "Rubicon" to my TiVo season pass. I think I'm about five episodes in and besides the pilot, "Rubicon" has been a total bore. Each episode moves at a snails pace and is very quiet. Seriously. Minutes go by several times in each episode with absolutely no dialogue.

We see Will brooding, thinking, walking, reading...basically a nightmare for a multi-tasking TV watcher like myself. Did I mention that Will, played by James Badge Dale, looks like Matthew Morrison's (Mr. Schuester on "Glee") older, more serious brother? (Upon googling their photos for a side-by-side, I discovered I'm not the only with this astute observation. Read New York Magazine's "Guide to Telling Apart the Wills")

I keep telling myself to let it go and stop watching, but I can't help but feel like it's going to start getting good. I'm probably too hopeful but AMC has proved to be a pretty exciting TV network with shows like "Breaking Bad" and "Mad Men." Maybe it's just a show geared towards old men and I'm clearly not it's target demographic. Is there hope for "Rubicon?"

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