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2009 VMA Rundown  

It's safe to say that last nights MTV Video Music Awards was the best VMA's in a long, long time. The performances seriously made the show amazing. I don't think I've seen so many great performances packed into one show before. I can honestly say that I thought everyone did amazing. I really don't remember who won what award but I know I was thoroughly entertained.
(click on pictures to see larger versions)

Here's the Good....

You've heard me say it before but I love Gaga. Yes, she's really, really strange, but you can't tell me she didn't sound amazing during her performance of "Paparazzi". While it was a strange performance, it was visually interesting and had me cracking up at the end when she was covered in blood. I also have to say her several costume changes throughout the show gave me a real kick.

Pink's acrobatic performance kicked ass but I couldn't help but notice her costume's resemblance to Lil Kim's VMA getup circa 1999.

Pink does not get enough respect for her amazing voice. I find her songs a little annoying after a couple weeks on the radio, but girl can sing.
Here's the video of her performance of "Sober."

Taylor Swift's performance of "You Belong With Me," was adorable. Nobody has really been talking about it, preferring to talk about the more dramatic portion of the evening. She performed on the subway and then ran out into the street in front of Radio City Music Hall. I can only assume the subway portion was pretaped, but exciting nonetheless.

Beyonce's "Single Ladies," was certainly a crowd pleaser and I expected nothing less.

Here's the iffy.....

The Michael Jackson tribute started off the show and I couldn't help but think Madonna's speech seemed a little off, I respect the sentiment and story she told but I can help but thinking it was not the right way to start off the show. The dancing portion was awesome. I really enjoyed it. Janet's portion was really the most hyped of the evening and I thought it fell flat. I felt more confused when I heard her prerecorded vocals than impressed or moved.

Green Day was ok. For some reason it just wasn't very memorable for me.

I was confused during Katy Perry's performance with Joe Perry. It was short and felt out of place. I thought she sounded pretty good considering the other times I've heard her sing live she sounds god-awful.

Here's the bad...

I won't go into very much detail because you've already heard all about it but Kanye West's interruption of Taylor Swift's acceptance speech was horrible. I felt terrible for Taylor and Beyonce, who looked absolutely mortified. Katy Perry pretty much summed up my feelings on her twitter, "F*CK U KANYE. IT'S LIKE U STEPPED 0N A KITTEN."

Kristen Stewart's hairdo was pretty bad. I found out today it wasn't cut that short but just pinned up to hide her Joan Jett mullet she's been sporting for the filmingof the biopic "The Runaways." I thought her dress and shoes looked great but the hair missed the mark. *On a side note, Robert Pattinson looked mega hot and man-child Taylor Lautner looked pretty good too.*

And the worst part of the night- Not enough Russell Brand! I felt like he was almost never on stage. I wished we would have seen much, much more of him.

(Info, pictures, and videos from, and

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