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5 Reasons You Should See “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”  

It's that time again. We're only days away from the opening of "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse," the third installment of the hit franchise, in theatres June 30.

I used to be a little embarrassed about my love of all things "Twilight," but not anymore. I was an apprehensive "Twilight" fan at first, but fully jumped on board after last year's "New Moon" (read my review). I know these movies aren't for everyone but I think I can come up with some very good reasons for you to quit hating, have some fun and see “Eclipse.”

"Is it high art? No. But it’s not trying to be," says "Twilight" screenwriter, Melissa Rosenberg. Even she understands that "Twilight" is all about fun. They aren't trying to make cheese-free, serious movies. The films are exciting and entertaining...there is no need to feel guilty. The movies are geared towards a slightly younger crowd but as long as you aren’t wearing “Team Jacob” t-shirts or making YouTube trailer reaction videos, I don’t think there’s anything to be ashamed of…(I cried I was laughing so hard watching the link above)

Oh, did I mention the films star the super-hot, super-charming Robert Pattinson? My love for "Twilight" has grown just because of the R-Pattz interviews I've seen and read. It's possible that he's the whole reason I'm into this phenomenon in the first place. He's so incredibly charismatic, funny, self-deprecating and I love him. It's hard to watch an interview with Rob and not feel warm and fuzzy. Plus, he’s British. Hello? Who doesn’t love a man with an accent? I think it’s safe to say that Rob Pattinson is not going anywhere anytime soon. Since his “Twilight” success he’s landed the lead roles in some pretty interesting projects. He recently filmed “Bel Ami,” a period piece about a man who uses sex to work his way up the social ladder co-starring Uma Thurman and Christina Ricci. He’s currently shooting “Water for Elephants,” co-starring Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz. Lucky for me, Rob should be around for many years to come. His co-star/girlfriend doesn't show any signs of slowing down either...

Can you say K-Stew? That’s right, I’m totally behind the sometimes grouchy and slouchy Kristen Stewart. The more I see and read about her, the more I like her. I don’t think she’s half the grump the media makes her out to be. I think she’s completely self-aware, wears her heart on her sleeve and has had her moments of really great acting. Recently, she compared being followed by the paparazzi to rape and all hell broke loose. In an upcoming Entertainment Weekly article, her boy-toy Rob comes to her defense and starts seriously hating on internet media going as far as calling bloggers nerds. Kristen, knowing Rob can do no wrong, responds, “You could say, “I just took a s***on the Queen’s face,” and people would be like, “Oh, I love him! I love him!” So, so true. Love it!

“Eclipse” is not just brooding vampires and shirtless werewolves. Ok, that’s a big part of it, but there’s supposed to be a lot of action in this film. The director, David Slade, has a reputation of making brutally violent vampire movies. The action should make the movie a little more fast-paced and exciting and a little less heavy breathing and longing stares.

And lastly, if you see “Eclipse” you’ll finally get the answer to the question you’ve been dying to learn. Who does Bella choose? Edward or Jacob? Ok, I’m sure if you’re reading this you already know that answer. For those of us who have read the books we know that some of the most anticipated moments in the series are in “Eclipse.” We finally get to see Edward propose to Bella, even some sexy-time between the two and of course, the infamous tent-scene.

What more could you want? I’m super excited to see the movie and hope it lives up to my expectations. “Eclipse” is my favorite book out of the series and I’m hoping it will be the best “Twilight” movie yet.

If anything, you should go see the movie so we can talk about how hot Robert Pattinson is…

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